
How Can Mental Health Be Affected by Substance Abuse?
Substance misuse is a difficult road to take, and its effects extend beyond the body. This is a big question that arises: how can mental ...

What Are the Benefits of Bio-Psycho-Social Evaluations in Mental Health Therapy?
Mental health therapy requires viewing complete pictures of clients' situations. The interactions between emotions and thoughts, physical health status, relationships, and environmental aspects create ...

What Type of Therapist is Best for Marriage Counseling?
Marriage represents one of life's most meaningful ties, which occasionally experiences troublesome moments.Though, what type of therapist is best for marriage counseling? Every ...

How Does Domestic Violence Affect Extended Families Statistics? – My Tribe Counseling
Domestic violence is not just a matter of immediate family; it is more than that. The family is wider as grandparents, aunts, uncles, and ...

Why Do People Go to Couples Counseling? – My Tribe Counseling
Relationships are crucial but they do not come easily. No matter how loving a couple can be, they still have to go through some ...